Asylum and Foreigner Issues

From the all-in-one solution for the central foreigners' registration offices of the specific federal states through to the numerous special solutions in the area of foreigner issues – in these areas too, SCOPELAND provides the best possible basis for developing individual application solutions as well as standard solutions that are used in several federal states and many administrative districts.

The foreigners' registration offices of all the federal states are subject to various statutory provisions and must adhere to the applicable legal regulations that arise from the Residence Act (AufenthaltsG), Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act (AsylbLG), Asylum Procedure Act (AsylVfG), Administrative Procedures Act (VwVfG), the German Criminal Code (StGB), and the Aliens Act (AuslG), among others. It is not unusual for legislative changes to result in new specialist and technical requirements in connection with foreigner administration. In such cases, it is necessary to adapt the specific software solutions in use. In such circumstances, it is difficult for authorities to find application solutions that have the necessary flexibility to cope with changes of this kind.

SCOPELAND aims to solve these problems that affect not only the foreigners' registration offices but also all other government authorities or companies that have a similar function to these authorities. Only a platform like SCOPELAND, which has an intelligently designed basic structure, can be flexible enough to facilitate smooth responses to new requirements and wishes that necessitate adjustments to the structures and data of applications.

Main Functionalities

  • Initial reception centers
  • EASY distribution
  • Accommodation (residential homes, shared accommodation)
  • In-country distribution
  • Registration and supervision of asylum procedures (first and subsequent applications, registration of Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) decision, complaints/objections, etc.)
  • Support/service provision (monetary and non-cash benefits, treatment certificates, etc.)
  • Issuing of exceptional leaves to remain, temporary residence permits, residence permits
  • Registration of administrative offenses/criminal offenses
  • Wanted person circulations
  • Transfers
  • Repatriation advice (including services provided by IOM, support programs, etc.)
  • Procurement of passport replacement papers
  • Repatriation (detention center facilities, flight planning, etc.)
  • Service recording, cost recording (accommodation, procurement of passport replacement papers, medical care, travel, etc.)
  • Service accounting (proof of claim)
  • Statistical reporting for Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act (AsylbLG)


  • Electronic files
  • All documents are generated from the application
  • Collective processing
  • Simple to highly complex statistics (also ad hoc)
  • Almost all selection lists can be administered by the customer
  • Registration of personal data, alias personal data, family relationships, stays, etc.
  • Appointment management (follow-ups, attendances in person, BAMF appointments, consultations, interpreter deployment planning, vehicle planning)


  • XAusländer
  • AZR (Central Register of Foreign Nationals)
  • Interfaces to various third parties (operators of residential homes, registration authorities, etc.)



Dirk Kotala-Wilhelm

Scopeland Technology GmbH

Head of Sales and Customer Support

 +49 30 209 670 - 123

Selected Customers

Free State of Bavaria (Zentrale Rückführungsstellen)

Public enterprise of Construction and Facility Management

State Office of Health and Social Affairs Berlin