The most common technical questions about SCOPELAND
We answer everything about databases, web servers, operating systems, and the Cloud

More than 500 small, medium, and large IT projects have already been successfully implemented with the SCOPELAND Low-Code platform. Numerous companies, whether in public administration, medicine and research, or industry and business rely on the efficiency and speed of Low-Code technology. We receive numerous questions about how our development environment is set up and its individual application options every day. We compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) for you.


Which databases are supported?

SCOPELAND supports all relevant relational database management systems (DBMS) on the market. These include SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL, Maria DB, Postgres, Informix, Ingres, and Max DB. SCOPELAND generates native SQL in order to be able to use the special functionalities of the database.


Which web application servers are supported?

If SCOPELAND applications are generated as web applications, both Microsoft and Java-based servers are used. These are IIS from Microsoft and Tomcat from Java.


Which operating systems are supported?

SCOPELAND is a Windows-based development environment. If the application is created as a web application, it is of course browser-based. The relational database management system itself, however, can also run on other operating systems, e.g. Unix or Linux. The respective application realized with SCOPELAND can also be virtualized using external tools.


Is there Cloud support?

SCOPELAND supports cloud technology, either as a public or private cloud. You can also have your application hosted in the Cloud and let us take care of all the installation and operating services for you. This service is then offered individually.

We primarily develop applications for operation at your own data center, i.e. on-premise solutions.



How easy can a prospective Low-Code developer familiarize themselves with Low-Code technology?

Every developer receives five days of basic training from us. The project familiarization phase then lasts two to four weeks. If completely new applications are being developed, trained Low-Code developers are more suitable. If existing applications are being adapted or expanded, “Citizen Developers” can also do this. The direct user of the SCOPELAND-generated program can also edit it, for example when adapting documents.


How easy is it to adapt and expand the generated code?

In principle, the code generated by SCOPELAND is not changed, but Java and .net code or scripts can be integrated. The generated code can be edited with other tools (e.g. Visual Studio). The generated code can be easily adapted by making the changes using the Low-Code platform and simply generating the code again.


Can database tools be used?

Since SCOPELAND is database-based, it is of course possible to integrate classic database tools. This is not necessary for creating views and tables, for example, because the application itself is capable of doing so. Manual creation of databases or fields, as well as supported creation of structures (importing from foreign formats and reading out the system database’s systables to generate metadata) or associated DDL scripts are also possible. Existing table structures can be duplicated and changed at the push of a button. It is just as easy to save queries as views or to create tables to preserve the complete history of the original tables. Thus there is no need to integrate database tools, since most of the functions are guaranteed by SCOPELAND itself.


Is it possible to create the applications using your own corporate design?

Yes, applications realized with SCOPELAND can also be created on your own CD. Within SCOPELAND there are also numerous design templates to choose from in various modern or popular styles.


Is SCOPELAND multilingual?

SCOPELAND is currently available in German and English. The applications themselves, and the web applications in particular, can easily be adapted to other languages during project development.


Are you already familiar with our YouTube channel? It features a lot informative explanatory videos about low-code and our SCOPELAND platform. If you have any additional questions, please write to us at



SQPI Squirrel

Scopeland Technology GmbH

 +49 30 209 670 - 131