Whenever we are enabled to do so, we use a modern phase-agile process model based on IPMA (International Project Management Association) as the basic project management methodology.
,Phase-agile' stands for a highly agile approach:
- but always within well-defined project phases - as essentially already known from classical, well-planned and professionally managed software development projects
- but adapted to the new technical possibilities of today's software development systems, and of course ideally tailored to the particularly flexible SCOPELAND technology
In contrast to ever new SCRUM cycles, the phase-agile approach has well-defined milestones for the entire project right from the start. And furthermore, there is an end of the project that can be reliably planned.
All detailed decisions are always just made at the moment they have to be made - and they are worked out together by interdisciplinary teams of developers and users in so-called 'Design Thinking' workshops. Users and developers often find much better solutions in constructive discussions with each other, directly on the screen, than a theorist alone in a quiet room. In addition, the'silent mail' problem is avoided because users get exactly what they actually need.
The phase-agile approach is optimized for contract development, and it also meaningfully governs the customer/contractor relationship for fixed-price work contracts.